The life span of a hair piece is very important, especially for clients who are not flexible with prices. Different hair units have different life spans. This can be noticed by having a look at our Stock Hair Systems. The hair pieces that have longer life span are without a doubt the ones that use mainly a mono base, such as Model BH11W Fine Mono with PU Perimeter. The monofilament hair piece is much tougher and can last up to 4-6 months even without proper maintenance, with combination bases coming close behind the tough Mono. In comparison, the Ultra-Thin 0.03mm invisible skin base only lasts 3-4 weeks because of how thin and delicate the material is.
Factors Affecting the Lifespan of Men’s Hair Piece
Is the life span only determined by the base material? And, is there any other aspects that impact the life span of a men’s hair piece?
Let’s find out…
In this blog post, we will cover the three main factors that affect the life span of even the greatest hair pieces for men on the market.
The three main factors that affect the life span are Hair loss, Hair Tangling, and Durability of the Base.

Hair Loss
The main Hair Loss causes is the consequence of two contributing factors, the root of the hair being broken and loose knots. On a normal head of hair, the cause of broken roots can be caused by stress. That’s incredible, isn’t it? That stress can cause hair roots to reach the final resting stage of their growth cycle quickly.
However, in the case of toupees, besides the possible damage caused by excessive chemical processing, the main cause of broken roots is usually due to the maintenance of the wearer. Whilst cleaning if the wearer doesn’t wash off the hair conditioner thoroughly, microorganisms will boost and begin to damage the hair, causing corrosion of the hair root, resulting in hair loss, and thus impacting the life span of the male hair piece. So, ensure that you have advised your clients accordingly on how to properly clean and wash out any soap or hair products used to clean the best hairpiece.
Also, keep in mind when styling the best types of men’s hairpieces that you like using a hairdryer to reduce the temperature ensuring it is not too high. This too can result in damaged and fragile hair roots causing hair loss.
The second cause of hair loss on the men’s toupees is caused by the ventilation method chosen for the toupee hair piece. For example, Lift Injected Skin ventilation method is the most undetectable ventilation method, but because only a little of the root is sealed, it makes it increases the chances of hair loss. Alternatively, if the base used the V-looped ventilation method, although there’s no knotting involved, a thick amount of brushing poly is applied, and the knots and hair will be held in place much stronger. We recommend our clients choose the V-looped ventilation over the slightly more invisible Injected method because it too is extremely undetectable.
To learn more about ventilation methods, check out our previous blog here: Quality Hair Systems Use Quality Ventilation Methods
Hair Tangling

OK, so we have covered Hair Loss, let’s now look at what are the causes of Hair Tangling. Over the years we have come to realize the two main causes of the hair getting tangled are damage of the hair and too many cuticles left over.
Looking at the production processes, it is clear that the hair treatment phase has a direct impact on hair tangling.
The hair treatment starts with “acid treatment”, which is especially for both Non-Remy and the return part of the hair coming from knotting processes. Non-Remy hair is collected from the hair falling to the floor. Due to it being impossible to guarantee that the cuticles of the hair are running in the same direction, this can lead to hair getting tangled easily. Similar truth, when a strand of hair is knotted to the base, the return hair will make the cuticles on the two adjacent parts be in opposite directions.
To avoid this the hair undergoes, a process that removes the cuticles with acid. If too much acid is used, the hair will become damaged which leads to the hair becoming tangled and fragile. If the process is not completed fully, there will be too many cuticles left over, which can also lead to hair being tangled easier.
Bleaching, Dyeing, and Perming are the other parts of the hair treatment process. A large amount of chemicals is used during the processes which will cause damage to the hair to some extent. Losing the smooth surface, the damaged hair would be fragile and easy to get tangled.
For more information about the production process Blog post: Production Process of a Toupee
Lastly, to close this on Hair Tangling, it is important to note the quality of the hair chosen has a huge impact. Poor hair quality can cause hair tangled and hair loss. Indian hair and European hair are thin and can’t afford a series of chemical processes, including acid treatment, bleaching, and dyeing, especially for light-finished color. Chinese hair is thick, which makes it strong enough to afford the whole chemical process.
Broken Base
Finally, our last factor that affects the life span of even the best quality men’s hair pieces… The Base!
The main bases that we use are Skin, Swiss Lace, French Lace, Monofilament, and a Combination of some of them together. Each base has different characteristics and therefore each has its benefits that promote durability and those that have a lower lifespan.
Skin –
Let us look at what can contribute to a lower lifespan of a thin-skin men’s hair piece. What would be classed as a problem, is when on a Skin base/area if there was a bubble in the poly. This bubble in the poly is a problem because if the bubble were to burst, it would cause a tear in the base and thus compromise the entirety of the hair replacement system. Another obvious issue with the Ultra-Thin Skin Base is that the thinnest model 0.03mm, which is extremely thin! Because of how thin it is, we do not recommend that the wearer take off the hair piece once it’s been put on, as it can be broken extremely easily. The Life span for the 0.03mm as mentioned before is 3-4 weeks, but due to its invisibility, it’s one of the hottest toupees on the market. To find out more check out: The Best Seller
Lace –
The characteristics of both French and Swiss Lace shows us that these bases are extremely fragile, the cause of which is due to how soft and comforting the hair piece is. There’s always a brighter side! So, the reason that this directly impacts the Life Span of a hair system is because of the longer durability of the hair system. The users are more likely to take it off when at home, and this can result in an increased possibility of the lace material to tear.
Considering the above-mentioned, carefulness would be needed when handling this base.
Mono –
Monofilament is the strongest out of all the base materials, it’s extremely strong as well as having good breathability. So, it is not easy for monofilament to get broken. However, the characteristics of Mono base, such as small holes are good breathability, could also influence its life span. Exactly, to decrease its life span. This is because the end users would not take it off often. Usually, being on it for up to a month, would make it hard to wash off the hair conditioner thoroughly, especially while the small holes make it easier to leave the hair products on the base. Microorganisms boost, corrosion, and then hair loss.
Interested in learning more about base materials?
Check out another one of our posts: Distinguishing Between Different Base Materials
Let us review what we covered: three main factors affect the life span of any of the world’s best men’s hair pieces. Hair Loss is directly caused by loosening knots and also breakage of the hair’s root. Secondly, we have Hair Tangling, this is caused by maintenance and the various chemical treatment processes the hair may go through, causing too much or too little cuticle leftover and the hair to be damaged. Thirdly, Broken Base, ensuring that you fully understand the characteristics of each base and handle each one properly is the key.
Also, lastly how you look after the hair matters! Be careful, turn the temperature down when using a hairdryer, and make sure you wash out any hair products used. The problem with hair products is if it’s not washed out properly, and the dust settles, the mixture can result in some serious tangling. Again! Ensure that all shampoos and conditioners are washed out properly and thoroughly! This will lead to fewer possibilities of corrosion to the hair root and the quality of the hair overall.
Hope you learned something new today reading this! If you have any recommendations for blog topics, send an email to our customer service team who will let us know!
All the best! Bono Hair, China’s No.1 Wholesale Supplier of hairpieces for women and men.