With over 10 years in the industry of manufacturing toupees for global markets, Bono Hair has successfully become a leader amongst the best manufacturers in the world. This blog post will cover descriptive information about our stock pieces that we make ready for immediate shipping to you, wherever you may be in the world. Click this link to see what we have in stock: Bono Hair Stock Toupees
In this blog post we will be looking into Skin, French Lace & Monofilament Stock Pieces in detail and check out the difference in life span among different stock hair systems.
By reviewing our previous blog posts, you will have more knowledge, of variables that contribute to prolonging or shortening the life span of toupees. Blog posts such as:
What Determines the Life Span of Hair Piece?
Top Tricks & Habits in Hair System Maintenance to Prolong the Lifespan!
How to Customize a Hair System with a Longer Life Span
What Makes the Difference in the Life Span of Stock Toupees?
Appendix 1 – Direct contributors to the length of a toupee’s life span

The life span of a hair system has two major variables. Firstly, the quality and care during the production process. Secondly, the thoughtfulness and discipline in maintenance from the end-user.
In terms of the perspective of the end-user, we would highly recommend checking out the second link titled “Top Tricks & Habits, etc.” as this will give you a richer understanding of proper maintenance. However, regarding the life span of stock hair pieces, the difference, obviously, is mainly caused by production processes. Looking more closely from the production point of view, there are mainly three factors: Hair, Ventilation Method, and Base Material.
We have a great blog on hair types and the chemical processes that they go through during production. Just click this link to learn more: Is European Hair the Best Hair Type for Hairpieces?
Coming back to the topic, all our stock units commonly use Indian hair, with a curl of 3.2 cm. In order to make the comparison more easily and clearly, we would like to look at different stock models all in the same color (#1B). This means each stock hair unit has the same hair types, goes through the same chemical processes, and equally impacts the final life span.
Knotting & Base
So, now it’s easy to tell that the life span of our stock toupees varies mainly due to the difference in base materials and ventilation methods. An important point that tends to be noted is that one of the chemical processes that would impact the life span is bleaching knots. After the hair is knotted to the base, some chemical matter will be brushed to the bottom side of the base to bleach the knots to a lighter color. This is only used for lace or mono since skin bases do not allow any liquid to pass through. If bleaching is done excessively, the knots would be damaged. Therefore, to some extent, bleaching knots will shorten the life span of any high-quality toupee / hair system slightly.
Another important bit of information that you should be aware of, is that the life span listed below is only for your personal reference. Whether a toupee will last for a long time finally depends on the maintenance and care that the user implements. Believe it or not, we received amazing feedback from our clients that 0.08mm-thin-skin toupee once lasted for almost a year while the reference is only 3 to 4 months.
Life Span Comparision Between Different Base Material

Skin bases are made from liquid poly and therefore are very delicate and are easily broken. Bubbles that may appear are a key contributor to most of the breakages on Skin based hair system. Usually, we do not advise the wearer to take off the thin-skin hair system once it has been put on. This is especially the case for the Ultra-Thin Skin 0.03mm models.
Understandably we can see that the thinner, the easier it is for the base to get broken. Therefore the 0.03mm Ultra Thin Skin base is broken the easiest. Compared to BH1 and BH6, the skin thickness is the same (0.08mm), but the life span differs ever so slightly. The cause of the difference in life span is mainly due to the ventilation method used. BH6 uses injected hair all over the base. A short hair root, of about 2mm, is injected into the skin and sealed by brushing poly, therefore, making it easier for hair loss to occur. Consequently, shortening the life span.
Compared to BH1 and BH8, the short life span of BH8 is mainly due to the use of French lace in the front and the bleaching of knots. Knots are bleached to give a more natural and invisible effect to the front hairline. However, due to the chemical matter that is used during the bleaching process, there is an increased risk of the hair being damaged especially around the knots and hair roots. French Lace is soft and easy to get unedged, this is another reason for a shortened life span. Also, the connection between lace and skin is another factor.
When being stretched, lace is in a hexangle and could be more flexible, but the flexibility of Skin is not nearly as good as that of Lace, which would cause the connection area to get broken. So, it will need more gentle handling, carefulness, and patience while putting on, getting off, washing, or in any situation where the base material could be stretched.

Looking at French Lace, has characteristics of being very soft and easy to get unedged or even broken if handled too rough. So, the PU perimeter shown above will help a lot to strengthen the base and prolong the life span. There are mainly three different types of PU perimeter as follows:
- Clear PU – Brushing liquid poly twice and drying it. You can simply understand it as two layers of solid PU.
- PU with gauze – Three layers. Poly + gauze +poly. Stronger than clear PU.
- PU coated / NPU – Four layers: Poly + net (lace/mono) + gauze + poly. Stronger than PU with gauze.
Important to know that, the double layer of French Lace on the front area of the hair system makes the toupee much stronger in comparison to a single layer of French Lace, and have a closer look at the French Lace base, we will find that there are stitches like the picture. This is specially done to strengthen the base and prolong the life span.

Monofilament is the strongest out of all the base materials. But, like its name monofilament, if the edge is not sealed properly, it is very likely for the base to get broken quickly. So, Mono is usually used together with a PU Perimeter, to reduce the chances of breakage.
The common types of PU perimeter for mono base are same as that for lace, including Clear PU, PU with gauze, and PU coated.
For BH7 and BH5P, the French lace front, which is used to get a natural front hairline, will shorten the life span to some extent. However, as we mentioned in a previous blog post, customers / end users tend to be more elastic around price and life span, but not on the naturality and invisibility of the hair system. Therefore, even though the bleached knots and French lace shorten the life span of the stock toupee, customers don’t mind this at all.
Compared to lace and skin, Mono Bases have the strongest and longest durability, which is due to the toughness of the material. To have an overlook and make a conclusion, we would like to show in one graph all the stock hair replacement systems in different base materials.

Because of the topic, here we compared all the stock hair systems in one single dimension, life span. Just as the above graph shows, mono units perform generally better than lace and skin. However, sales talk. A long life span may not win forever. There are also some other important aspects to value a good stock toupee. The right one is the best. What does this mean? Stay tuned and check out the near future blog. Thank you.
By Bono Hair. China’s No. 1 Toupee Manufacturer and Distributor.