Naturality is the most important dimension to value a quality hair system. Even the end-users who ask for high-cost performance would not like to lose naturality for a longer life span. A balance point between naturality and durability would have to be found, which proves the viewpoint at the beginning that the naturality of a toupee is important to every client.
Front Hairline and Parting Area are the top two variables that determine the level of naturality of a good hair replacement. Regarding how to make a most natural front hairline, you could click the following link from our previous blog to check it out.
Creating the Most Natural Hairline
Now let’s look further into the parting area and try finding the secrets to it.
Natural Parting Area

The above picture is a series of choosable hair directions designed for custom-made orders. Obviously, not all toupees ask for parting areas, such as Flat Back and Freestyle. However, for the others, especially for Part and Break hairstyles, the parting area will become the second important part, besides the front hairline, to the high naturality of the best toupee.
As a hair replacement system, when the hair is combed in opposite directions, the parting area would be exposed and made noticeable. Knots and base material will tell others the truth that “I am using a hair system”. We don’t want our customers to experience this.
As a specialist in the industry of best quality hair replacement, we have the responsibility to make the most natural parting area, as well as the invisible front hairline, to help end-users avoid being in such embarrassing situations, by hiding the knots and base material. Let’s check what we could do.
1. Skin Material
Skin with V-looped Hair
Skin is the special word in this industry to describe a base material that seems like our own skin/scalp. This is made from liquid poly. After drying, the thin skin becomes clear. When the end-users put it on the head, it will be totally undetectable. Super Thin skin could be in the thickness of 0.03mm, 0.06mm, or 0.08mm.
V-looped is a special ventilation method that could only be used in skin-based material. From the picture above, there are no knots, only a strand of hair passing through the thin skin material to the bottom side and then back to the top side. Benefiting from this character, V-looped plus thin skin will offer you perfect undetectability.
Maybe you will ask how the strand of hair could be held to the base? No knots? How about hair loss if no knots? Well, really good questions. But don’t worry. After the stranding hair is V-looped to the base, another layer of liquid poly will be brushed to the bottom side to cover and well fasten the hair after drying.

Skin with Injected Hair
Injected hair is another special ventilation method only for skin-based material. As shown in the picture, there are also no knots, and even better is that this ventilation method makes the strand of hair just like growing from a natural scalp. The second layer of poly will also be applied to seal the hair root.
To make a better sealing, the strand of hair is usually injected in an acute angle, not lifted. The lifted injection is seldom used although you may think it should be better for a natural effect and easy hair styling. This is because the hair root through the skin material is too short to be well sealed and fastened. Anyway, if the clients do like lifted injection on the skin, we could do it by largely increasing the thickness of the skin material to get a better sealing.
2. Lace Material
Injected Lace
Injected Lace is the most complicated ventilation method and accordingly the highest cost, but it also comes with the most amazing natural effect. It is commonly used on custom-made orders only for the parting area. There are at least two layers of lace for this ventilation method. The strand of hair is first knotted to the bottom layer by single knots, then being injected through the top layer. So, there will be a lifting effect looking from the top layer. It’s more natural and much easier for hair styling. This is the reason why so many end-users prefer Injected Lace for their parting area.
Liquid poly will be sprayed on the bottom layer of lace for better sealing of the single knots. After drying, the poly becomes solid, well fastening the knots to the base. For a better wearing experience, we will commonly apply smooth lace-like silk, the third layer, to cover the knotting layer. This is the best solution we recommend for the most natural parting area of a quality hair system.

Lace with Bleaching Knots
French lace is a popular base material due to its softness and similar color to our scalp skin, which means invisible and undetectable. For custom-made orders, we could also dye the lace according to the needs of end-users.
Unlike the skin material, for French lace, there will always be knots existing on the fiber of the base. In order to make them invisible, bleaching knots could be applied to make the color of the knots lighter. Please note that bleaching knots are only available for colors lighter than, or equal to color #1b. Color #1 is too dark to be bleached.
For clients who do not want a thick base, a single layer of French lace plus bleached knots would be a good choice for the natural parting area.
Durability and Life Span
This is an important part we would like to mention. According to our experience, most hair loss cases happen in the parting area. Daily styling on the parting area, such as combing, hairdryer, and hair gel use, will increase the risk of hair loss. So, stronger hair and stronger knots will be especially important to this special area.
Take the Injected Lace for example. This solution is the best one we recommend for the natural parting area. We tested several similar Injected Lace products from the market. It is found that Injected Lace is easy to get hair loss although it offers the most natural effect for parting areas and much easier lifted hair direction for hair styling. The fatal reason is the single knots, which are easier to loosen compared to double knots. After a long term of testing, our best-experienced technicians have finally found a way to solve this problem besides the sprayed sealing poly. We could provide you with both the best natural solution and good durability through improved technic and processes.
As we mentioned above, most hair loss cases happen in the parting area. Good maintenance will help to prolong the lifespan. We would like to offer you some tips that should be notified to the end-users to prevent hair loss or tangling due to wrong maintenance.
What are some good practices and habits to adopt as a user?
Wash frequently, thoroughly, and regularly to make sure any hair products, such as hair gel, and hair conditioner, are cleaned up completely from both the hair and the base.
Clean up the adhesive thoroughly during every washing, whatever glue or tape. This is separately listed because of its importance. Once any adhesive is left on the base, mixing with dust and hair, the tangling will get worse and worse, completely out of control.
Combing gently. Once a little hair tangling happens, take off the hair system, press the hair root with your hand to give protection, and comb the tangling hair end gently until the hair is combed away. This could prevent the hair root broken if combing with force. Then wash it with shampoo and hair conditioner to repair the damaged hair surface.
The low temperature while using the hairdryer. Continuous high temperatures could cause unrecoverable damage to the hair.
Conditioner use while every washing and please clean it up. Conditioner application will repair the damage on the hair surface, making it smooth, and decreasing the possibility of hair tangling.
What should you do to ensure the parting area is kept in good condition?
Any chemical treatment by yourself after buying, such as bleaching and dyeing, could cause damage to the hair. This chemical treatment should be avoided. The unsmooth surface of on the hair will lead to easy hair tangling. Most customers tend to comb with force once facing hair tangling, without knowing the real reasons. This could increase hair loss, making the situation worse.
The highest temperature of the hairdryer is another thing that needs to be avoided, the other opposite operation of the above-mentioned good habits.
In Conclusion, both naturality and durability are important to the parting area of a quality hair replacement system. High-quality techniques during processes completed by world-class craftsmen/women and good maintenance will offer the end-users a terrific experience. It’s the secret to our success that our clients always come back with confidence.