Hair falling out is one of the most annoying problems for men using non surgical hair replacement systems around the world. The main reason for hair falling out is due to a range of different variables. For beginners, it will not be easy to judge what causes hair loss, is it the non surgical hair replacement systems design, quality control, improper maintenance or all of the above? Today we are going to look further into all of them.
First Check
If your clients, the end-users, are experiencing a considerable amount of hair loss from the non surgical hair replacement systems, it is suggested firstly identifying which area is the hair falling out — properly checking the non surgical hair replacement systems to exclude the possible reason for maintenance.

2.1 – Does the hair loss happen in all base materials or some single material? Does the hair loss occur all over the single material or only in a partial area of the single material?
●Hair loss in all base materials
If hair loss happens in all base materials, the possible reason is poor hair quality. For non surgical hair replacement systems, the hair strand is knotted to the base by some ventilation method. The direct cause of hair loss of non surgical hair replacement systems is due to either the hair quality or the knots. Different base materials usually use different ventilation methods. So, it’s not possible to have loose knots at all base materials of the same toupee. Poor quality of the hair makes the hair root thin, fragile, less stretchy, and easy to get broken. Both improper maintenance and the wrong production process can cause weak hair quality. To exclude the possibility of improper maintenance, please go ahead directly to Part 2.3.
●Hair loss all over some single material
Loose knots should be the main reason in this case. For the non surgical hair replacement systems of a combination base, for example, lace front + mono middle + poly perimeter, regardless of the possible reason for maintenance, if the hair loss only happens in the mono area, it should not be caused by hair quality, but the knots. As mentioned in the above paragraph, hair loss caused by hair quality should happen in all base materials, all over the base.
On the other hand, since the same base material usually uses the same ventilation method, if the knots are loose, the hair loss should be all over this base material.
●Hair loss only in a partial area of some single material
The hair loss caused by hair quality or loose knots should be a large area, either the whole base or the entire single base material. If it only happens in a small partial area of some single material, the cause is more likely to be due to improper maintenance by the wearer, such as combing with force on the parting area, continuous high-temperature exposure from the hairdryer and even hair gel using while styling, and so on.
2.2 – Glue or hair gel left in the base, can lead to hair loss indirectly.
By checking the hair root and bottom side of the lace/mono base to see if there is any visible glue. It is easy to identify the glue because it looks like a white dot, that may seem like a collection of dust and touches sticky. This can lead to hair sticking and tangling with one another. If these sticky matters are found in the hair root, the hair loss is likely to be caused by the improper maintenance habits being practiced.

Reasoning: Uncleaned glue, hair gel or any other hair product that remains in the base and roots of the hair is a significant cause of hair loss. First, these organisms cause microbes to multiply and make the hair roots corroded and fragile. Second, glue and other sticky items can cause tangles in the hair. If not cleaned in time, tangles will get worse and worse. The user, especially a novice who does not have much maintenance experience, does not know how to deal with this mess and tends to comb the hair root and tries to comb the tangled hair.
On the contrary, the hair on non surgical hair replacement systems does not go apart but falls out due to the broken root caused by force. The correct way is to always thoroughly clean the glue, hairspray, and any other hair products to avoid confusion. If something goes wrong, clean up the glue first by using glue remover, use a comb to catch and open the tangled ball, and wash it with shampoo and conditioner. The direction of carding is from the root to the end, but the carding must start from the hair end. After the tangled hair ends go apart by carding, move the comb lightly to the roots and gradually comb until the hair is combed to its natural position.
2.3 – Check the hair using the original order form to see if the color and curl have changed.
Unlike our natural hair, even though the best non surgical hair replacement systems for men are made from pure human hair, the hair’s raw materials lack nutrients and are processed more or less chemically in the production process. As a result, any second chemical treatment (for example, dyeing and perming) performed after a purchase can cause hair damage and ultimately lead to hair loss.
In addition to improper maintenance, a potential cause of hair falling out for toupees in the market is the hair system design and quality control. If you are interested to learn more, keep reading as we are about to cover the area.
The Direct Cause of Hair Loss of Non-Surgical Hair Replacement Systems
The Broken Hair Root
You can tell that there is a problem with the hair root by pulling the hair with your fingers. If you hear a “pop” and the falling hair of a short length, this is an indication of a broken hair root. Another way is to check the base and see if the base still has knots but without hair.
Quality hair is stretchy while damaged hair is fragile and easily broken. For most ventilation methods, there is a return hair, apart from Injected Skin ventilation. If the knots are loose, when you pull the hair, the falling out hair should be its regular long hair length. If it is short, it is an indication that it is broken hair.
The Loose Knots
As described above, when hair comes out, if it is longer than the hairstyle and does not “pop” when pulled, the hair loss should be caused by loose knots.
A Few Questions to Help Look Further Into the Hair Loss of Toupees
What leads to the broken hair root or the loose knots?
What are the solutions that could be implemented during the production process to avoid this happening?
What information can be provided to the end-users in order to improve their daily and home maintenance of their non surgical hair replacement systems?
Hair, Ventilation Methods & The Base Material
In this part, we are going to look at the main three elements of the hair replacement system, affected by a combination of manufacturing and personal maintenance habits, that lead to hair loss.
Tangling is an indirect cause of hair loss. In addition to maintenance, incorrect production processes can also cause entanglement.
Insufficient Acid Treatment – For Non-Remy hair, some hair will hang upside down, which means that the cuticles on the hair surface are oriented differently. If the acid treatment is not sufficient, the left cuticle will be entangled. For example, some customers require protective cuticles for European hair to maintain perfect hair, shine, and health. However, if the completed hair system seems to be entangled with the hair, the reason could be due to a mix of some upside-down hair and correct directed hair on the non surgical hair replacement.
Over Treatment – The purpose of acid treatment is to remove the epidermis and smooth the surface of the hair to avoid tangles. However, if overtreated, the acid can damage the quality of the hair, making it rougher and easily entangled.
Besides what is mentioned above, another possible reason for hair loss is the over-thin and over-smooth hair strands caused by substantial chemical treatment. For example, light blonde hair (including human grey hair) will be chemically treated, bleached to a lighter color, and then dyed to the target color. The lighter the target color, the heavier the chemical treatment. These processes make the hair thinner and have more of a smooth surface.
Thin hair strands cannot afford to have much tensile force, and the hair strand surface is too smooth to fasten the knots well.
Ventilation Method

The possible causes of the V-looped ventilation method are:
Hair pulled out at full length through the needle eye.
The poly fixing the hair is broken.
The causes of these are covered in three sections:
First, the stitch length is too small to create enough friction to hold the strand. Therefore, the poly fixing the hair is tiny and easily torn. It should be for this reason that there are many white spots on the base of the skin but no hair.
Secondly, the thickness of the skin is designed to be too small or too small to provide high hair density. For example, a medium-heavy density requires at least a thickness of 0.10 mm; a medium density requires at least 0.08 to 0.10 mm of skin. If it is too thin, the skin will not be strong enough.
Last but not least, after immersing the V-looped non surgical hair replacement systems in water (especially warm water), do not comb the hair currently. Warm water can make the skin/poly expand. The needle eye becomes larger, making the hair strands easier to pull out.
Single Knot

Usually, a single knot is only suitable for the skin base. As shown above, we use a few hairs to show you Single Knot ventilation clearly. Obviously, if it is used for Lace or Mono base, the knot is easy to spread. However, some custom orders still require a single knot on the lace bottom for a perfect flattening effect. This unique design is inevitably at the expense of durability.
Lift Injected Skin
The hair bundle is injected into the skin base at a right angle. The advantage of this method of ventilation is that it enhances the direction of the hair and is beneficial for hair styling, making the non surgical hair replacement systems more natural, while hair roots on the bottom side of the skin are accordingly short. Even brushing poly after knotting could not hold the hair root well. Compared to other methods of ventilation, it is easier to lose hair by the Lift Injected Skin method. When choosing or designing the base and ventilation method, both you and us should consider the pros and cons of each design and find the best balance.
Injected Lace
After reviewing the ventilation method, you will find that the Injected Lace consists of applying single knots first to the bottom lace, and then the hair strand is injected through the top part of the Lace. The single knot is characterized by being easily loosened. Therefore, after the Injected Lace process is completed, a good sealing of the knots must be done to fix the hair well in its place. Some Injected Lace hair replacement systems on the market have severe hair loss in the top silk area. This is the reason.
The Base Material
When the base is a combination, such as lace front + poly perimeter + mono middle, check if the hair loss happened in some single material or all materials. If it happens in all base materials, it is likely to be the hair quality that causes the hair loss. If the hair loss only occurred on a single material, the character of this material may be the real reason we are finding.
Fine mono – The holes are small, and not easy to clean thoroughly. The glue, hair gel, and other hair products are much easier to leave on the base, causing corrosion and tangling, and then hair falling out. Considering the durability of this base material, it is worth paying more patience to clean it timely and thoroughly.
Top Silk – In this case, it is not the base material that is the reason for the hair loss, but the ventilation method that is used. The reason has been explained in the previous section. We found the solution is better sealing knots to avoid hair loss from top Silk.
Skin-V looped, and Lift Injected Skin are ventilation methods that can only be used on the skin base. Since there is no knotting, the hair stranding holding can only depend on the second application of brushing poly after knotting. That’s the reason for easier hair loss for the skin.
Swiss lace – Having a similar structure to French lace, but Swiss lace fibers are thinner and not strong enough to use Double Split Knot. The strength of a Single Split Knot is less than Double Split Knot. Below is an image to give you an idea.

Understandably, when hair loss occurs for any non surgical hair replacement systems, this can be a very annoying problem. But don’t worry, if it happens, we can help you analyze and find out the reason why it happened.
Proper maintenance knowledge can help to avoid unnecessary hair loss. The correct manufacturing processes and techniques can ensure producing the best non surgical hair replacement systems for men that hair loss is prevented. We want to work together with you to provide your clients, the end-users, the best wearing experience.